Just in case you missed it, I had a chance to appear on the Flatout RC Podcast and talk about aeromodelling in general and in particular, my favourite facet of our hobby, Pylon Racing.
If you like, have a List>>>

Just in case you missed it, I had a chance to appear on the Flatout RC Podcast and talk about aeromodelling in general and in particular, my favourite facet of our hobby, Pylon Racing.
If you like, have a List>>>
This Sunday we head to Mt Wallace Model Aircraft Association to fly Q500. 187 Brisbane Ranges Road, Mt Wallace. See you there.
We have our Bendigo race coming up this weekend.
This is the first race meet of the new financial year. Therefore, we need to ensure that everybody competing has renewed their VMAA/MAAA membership (ie. Paid your local club membership). Please ensure you bring your MAAA card, a club membership or a receipt proving payment of your club fees.
I look forward to catching up with you all at Bendigo this weekend.
Cheers John.
Unfortunately, our next event at Warrnambool Nov 5-6 has been cancelled due to extreme saturation of the field and no let up in wet conditions between now and the event.
The next event is Munro Dec 3-4 where we will also hold our AGM.
WARRNAMBOOL Event rescheduled – May 4-5
The VMPRA was back at Bazza’s Munro pylon field for the last of the F3D Team trials as well as the usual F400 and Q500 classes.
At the end of the Saturday, the F3D class had completed 8 rounds on the FAI (10 lap) course. The final results for the F3D 2017 WC team was as pictured below: Daniel Arapakis (Junior member), Beau Murphy, Leigh Hocken and Tyler Mees.
After F3D had finished, 4 rounds of F400 were raced before it became too late to continue. Unfortunately weather conditions on the Sunday again prevented any further racing for the weekend meaning that F400 only flew the 4 rounds from Saturday afternoon and there was no Q500 flown at all.
Check out the event photo gallery>>>
1st Leigh Hocken
2nd Beau Murphy
3rd Tyler Mees
Fastest Time: 55.67 – Glenn Matthews (10 course)
No. of competitors: 13
Class – F400
1st Beau Murphy
2nd Ranjit Phelan
3rd Glenn Matthews
Fastest Time: 62.97 – Beau Murphy (10 course)
No. of competitors: 12
Leigh Hocken has remained in top spot, Beau Murphy has jumped up from 5th to 2nd position and Daniel Arapakis moved up from 4th to 3rd position.
1st – Leigh Hocken
2nd – Beau Murphy
3rd – Daniel Arapakis
Gary Davidson has moved up from 3rd to 1st position displacing Andrew Davies and Jim Orenshaw who are now in 2nd and 3rd position respectively.
1st – Gary Davidson
2nd – Andrew Davies
3rd – Jim Orenshaw
Check Out Season Championship >>>
There has been some changes in the committee from those elected back in July at the AGM. James and Gary resigned from the president and treasurer positions. Luckily for the VMPRA, there have been some members step up to take these positions. We also had not elected a secretary at the AGM and I have been doing this work until a replacement was founds. The new (acting) committee are:
As most of you will know we had to cancel the November event due to adverse weather conditions. Therefore, the next event will be again at Munro on December 3-4 which will also be the last event for the calander year. Hopefully the weather will be kinder to us and lets make this a good one.
Check Out Complete Calendar >>>
Event Report – John Schmidli
Photos – Andrew Arapakis
The written content in this post is accurate to the best of my/our knowledge at the time of publishing. It is written from my/our perspective and reflects how I/we have experienced this event.
Photos published as feature images are selected purely for their quality, general interest or topicality. They are chosen from a pool of photos taken by myself and others when time permits.
If a perspective is not being represented, I am more than happy to publish any written content or photos that are supplied to me provided it is fair and reasonable.
Quick ReferenceEvent Result |