Finally, the VMPRA was able to go back to racing and back to the Warrnambool Model Aircraft Club. What a fantastic club facility they have there. The field was beautifully prepared, the club put on great catering and the help was incredible.
Saturday was a little wet particularly in the morning and early afternoon so after completing 4 rounds of Q500, we held the AMG. After that, the weather had clear enough to fly 4 rounds of F3D,
Sunday, the weather was more stable and with an early start, we completed 8 rounds of F3T, then the balance of the Q500 and F3D rounds. All in all, it was a great weekend and the welcome return to pylon racing in Victoria.
We look forward to returning to this club for our world champs team selection event in Feb 2022.

Class – FA1
1st Leigh Hocken
2nd Brian Steele
3rd Tom Wetherill
Fastest Time: 56.77 Leigh Hocken
No. of competitors: 6
Class – F3T
1st Andrew Davies
2nd Glenn Matthews
3rd Jim Orenshaw
Fastest Time: 61.04 Andrew Davies
No. of competitors: 6
1st Jim Orenshaw
2nd John Schmidli
3rd Gary Whitbourne
Fastest Time: 98.18 Jim Orenshaw
No. of competitors: 6
Season Championship
1st – Leigh Hocken
2nd – Brian Steele
3rd – Tom Wetherill
1st – Andrew Davies
2nd – Glenn Matthews
3rd – Jim Orehshaw
1st – Jim Orenshaw
2nd – John Schmidli
3rd – Gary Whitbourn
Next Race
The next race meet will be a World Champs team selection event at Warrnambool on Feb 26-27, 2022.
Classes being raced will be F3D, F3E & Q500.
Report – John Schmidli
Please note: We are looking for people willing to write event reports or photograph the events. This is an important and valuable to pylon racing in Victoria, Australia and Worldwide as this site has a vast viewership.
The written content in this post is accurate to the best of my/our knowledge at the time of publishing. It is written from my/our perspective and reflects how I/we have experienced this event. Photos published as feature images are selected purely for their quality, general interest or topicality. They are chosen from a pool of photos taken by myself and others when time permits. If a perspective is not being represented, I am more than happy to publish any written content or photos that are supplied to me provided it is fair and reasonable.