Back on March 17th, the VMPRA went to the Western Port Model Aircraft Club for a one-day sports and Quickie 500 pylon race. The weather was absolutely fantastic that day. Unlike some events we’ve held at this field, there was only a light breeze.
The idea of this day was to fly Quickie 500 as part of our championship and then have a “come try” fly pylon racing day with sports models. We were very pleased to see two local competitors turn up, Justin Trist and Wayne Gorsuch. We flew seven rounds of Quickie and seven rounds of sports.

Tony Eichstadt’s daughters came down to see him fly. We ended up roping Amy into helping on the computer. She took to it like a duck to water and was a great help throughout the day.

Looking at the results, we were getting unusually fast times. We soon discovered that the course had been set up as a short course by accident, which explained this.
Thanks to all VMPRA members who attended this event and helped make it a success. Overall, it was a great day, and thanks to the Westernport Club for hosting, catering, and providing the pylons junges.

Next, we have a similar Quickie 500 and Sports Pylon race at Mount Wallace State Field on the 7th of April. Again, it’s a one-day event, and we’d love to get as many VMPRA members as possible there. Even if you’re not going to fly, it would be great to have help and to promote pylon racing to other members of the Aeromodelling fraternity.
Our next full three-class event will be on the 20th and 21st of April at Hamilton. We’ll see you there.
Class – Q500
1st Mike Kellet
2nd Jim Orenshaw
3rd John Schmidli
Fastest Time (Red Box): 86.91 John Schmidli (Course was at least 40 metres shorter than it should have been
No. of competitors: 7
Class – Sports
1st Justin Trist
2nd Wayne Gorsuch
Season Championship
Jim Orenshaw and Eddie Rich have both moved up one place to First and Third, respectively. John Schmidli dropped from first to second place.
1st – Jim Orenshaw
2nd – John Schmidli
3rd – Eddie Rich
Next Class Race – Western Port – Q500 & Sports (Come Try) Race.
April 7 @ Mount Wallace. Racing starts at 10 am. Come with enough time to setup and test fly prior.
Location: The club is Mount Wallace Model Aero Club
Brisbane Ranges Rd, Mount Wallace.
Google Maps Ref.
Next 3 Class Race (F3D, F3T & Q500) – Hamilton, April 20-21.
A heap of new races has been added to the calendar, so make sure you put them in your diary. These are not to be missed.
Report – John Schmidli.
Photos – John Schmidli.
Please note: We are looking for someone to write event reports regularly. Also, it would be wonderful to have someone photograph these events. This site has a vast readership and is important and valuable to pylon racing in Victoria, Australia and Worldwide.
The written content in this post is accurate to the best of my/our knowledge at the time of publishing. It is written from my/our perspective and reflects how I/we have experienced this event. Photos published as feature images are selected purely for their quality, general interest or topicality. When time permits, they are chosen from a pool of photos taken by myself and others. If a perspective is not being represented, I am more than happy to publish any written content or photos supplied to me, provided it is fair and reasonable.
Quick Reference